> Minsk region > Miadzieł county > Kanstancinava village > Catholic church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Kanstancinava. Catholic church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Kanstancinava. Catholic church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Kanstancinava | Catholic church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Comments

Year of construction (reconstruction): 1826-1897
54° 54'59.84"N, 26° 26'51.14"E
My name is Daniel Alberto Kalczynski Ventureira, I was born in Argentina and I have been living in Madrid, Spain, for thirty years.
My grandparents were Belarusian, they emigrated to Argentina between 1925 and 1930.
My grandfather was Joseph Kalczynski, born on 27 March 1903 in Ventsevichi and my grandmother was Maria Kurkul, born on 22 February 1898. They married in their home village before my grandfather emigrated to Argentina, where my father, my sisters and I were born.
Some time ago I got in touch with a Discalced Carmelite religious from the church of Naracz who spoke a little Spanish and he told me that in this parish of Konstatynowa, near the village Ventsevichi, there are no baptismal books from the years 1898 and 1903; according to him the oldest ones are from the year 1970.
We know that my grandmother Maria arrived in Buenos Aires on 15 January 1930, as we found that in the register of immigrants in Buenos Aires she is registered as arriving from Wiencewicze. She was registered with the surname Kalczynski, as she had married my grandfather before travelling to Argentina a few years earlier. We have no information about when my grandfather travelled to Argentina, a few years before my grandmother.
I would like to know if I can get information about the relatives they had in Belarus, as well as confirm the place where they got married, which must have been in this church. According to my grandmother, they had a daughter who died very young and is probably buried in the cemetery next to the church.
Is it possible to contact someone local to get information about the family we might have in Belarus? If so, please tell us what kind of information I could get.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Daniel Kalczynski Ventureira reply
Konstantynowo k. Świra (Êàíñòàíö³íàâà) – parafia p.w. Wnie-bowzięcia NMP

XVIII-XIX w. – drewniane świątynie

1744 – istniał tu drewniany kościół jako filia parafii w Świrze

1792 – uposażenie parafii dokonane przez Konstantego Chomińskiego

1793-1794 – budowa świątyni, i plebani. Zamiana nazwy wsi Słobudka na Konstantynów po otrzymania przywileju o miasteczku.

1812-1813 – ks. Stefan JAZONOWICZ (p)

1812 – spalenie miasteczka przez wojska napoleońskie.

Ok. 1813 – budowa kaplicy na cmentarzu staraniem ks. S. Jazonowicza

1820-1896 – murowany kościół

1820-1826 – z fundacji Włodzimierza Paszkiewicza wybudowano murowaną świątynię p.w. Wniebowzięcia NMP

1835-1836 – ks. Ignacy WEREYKO (a)

1839 – przebudowa świątyni na większy kościół.

1842 – fundusz tutejszej plebani to m.in. 5 włók ziemi.

1859-1860 – ks. Klemens NARUSZEWICZ (a)

1860 – parafia w dekanacie świrskim, liczy 775 kat.

1863-1872 – ks. Ignacy ZIELNIONKO (a)

1863 – parafia liczy 2306 kat.

1889 – ks. Bolesław OSIECKI (a)

1891-1892 – ks. Abdon ANDRZEJKOWICZ (p)

1892 – parafia w dekanacie świrskim, liczy 2808 kat.

1869-2008 – rozbudowana świątynia

1896 – rozbudowa kościoła staraniem Aleksandra i Jadwigi Chamińskich.

1910 – parafia liczy 3210 kat.

1937-1938 – ks. Piotr ŻARNOWSKI (p)

1938 – parafia w dekanacie świrskim

1940-1961 – ks. Lucjan CHMIELOWIEC

1964-1965 – ks. Czesław WYSIADŁOWSKI

1990-2006 – o. Paweł LELITO OCD (p), 2006 - o. Piotr Frosztęga OCD (w)

2001 - misje parafialne (OO. Kapucyni)

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