> Viciebsk region > Biešankovičy county > Vuła market town

Vuła on the map

Vuła - travel guide - photos and attractions

The first written mention: XIV

Spelling variations:
Вула Ула Uła Vuła Улла Ulla Wula

55° 13'42.44"N, 29° 14'34.07"E

What to see:

Lost heritage

Vuła. : Places of interest | selected photos

Vuła. : Lost heritage | Photo

Vuła.   Castle

Vuła. Castle (XVI) Draft of the Vula Castle (~1566)

Vuła.  Orthodox church of the Transfiguration of the Lord

Vuła. Orthodox church of the Transfiguration of the Lord A church with a bell tower, 1812
