> Podlaskie voivodeship > Łomża powiat
Łomża. cemetery Old Catholic

Łomża powiat - landmarks and tourist attractions

Towns and villages

Łomża powiat: New pictures

Łomża town - Catholic church of St. Michael the Archangel Catholic church of St. Michael the Archangel

Łomża town Photos added by К. Шастоўскі

Łomża town - Catholic church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Łomża town Photos added by Mariusz Proskień

Łomża town - cemetery . Tomb of insurgents of 1863-64 cemetery . Tomb of insurgents of 1863-64

Łomża town Photos added by Mariusz Proskień

Łomża town - cemetery Old Catholic cemetery Old Catholic

Łomża town Photos added by Mariusz Proskień

Łomża town - cemetery Old Orthodox cemetery Old Orthodox

Łomża town Photos added by Mariusz Proskień

Łomża town - cemetery Lutheran cemetery Lutheran

Łomża town Photos added by Mariusz Proskień

Łomża town - Catholic church of St. Mary of Sorrow and the Monastery Catholic church of St. Mary of Sorrow and the Monastery

Łomża town Photos added by Anna Ostrowska

Łomża town - Town hall Town hall

Łomża town Photos added by Anna Ostrowska

Lost heritage | Photo
